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Learn YueScript in 15 Minutes


This tutorial provides a quick overview of YueScript, a modern alternative to Lua. YueScript inherits Lua's features while introducing syntax sugar and a Python-like coding style. Since YueScript is a dialect of MoonScript, this tutorial is a modified version of "Learn MoonScript in 15 Minutes", and also assumes you have some programming experience and are familiar with Lua.

YueScript does not use 'do', 'then', or 'end' like Lua would and instead uses an indented syntax, much like Python.

-- Two dashes start a comment. Comments can go until the end of the line.
-- YueScript transpiled to Lua does not keep comments.

1. Assignment

hello = "world"
a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
hello = 123 -- Overwrites `hello` from above.

x = 0
x += 10 -- x = x + 10

s = "hello "
s ..= "world" -- s = s .. "world"

b = false
b and= true or false -- b = b and (true or false)

2. Literals and Operators

Literals work almost exactly as they would in Lua. Strings can be broken in the middle of a line without requiring a \.

some_string = "exa
mple" -- local some_string = "exa\nmple"

Strings can also have interpolated values, or values that are evaluated and then placed inside of a string.

some_string = "This is an #{some_string}" -- Becomes 'This is an exa\nmple'

### 2.1. Function Literals

Functions are written using arrows:

my_function = -> -- compiles to `function() end`
my_function() -- calls an empty function

Functions can be called without using parenthesis. Parentheses may still be used to have priority over other functions.

func_a = -> print "Hello World!"
func_b = ->
value = 100
print "The value: #{value}"

If a function needs no parameters, it can be called with either () or !.


Functions can use arguments by preceding the arrow with a list of argument names bound by parentheses.

sum = (x, y) -> x + y -- The last expression is returned from the function.
print sum(5, 10)

Lua has an idiom of sending the first argument to a function as the object, like a 'self' object. Using a fat arrow (=>) instead of a skinny arrow (->) automatically creates a self variable. @x is a shorthand for self.x.

func = (num) => @value + num

Default arguments can also be used with function literals:

a_function = (name = "something", height = 100) ->
print "Hello, I am #{name}.\nMy height is #{height}."

Because default arguments are calculated in the body of the function when transpiled to Lua, you can reference previous arguments.

some_args = (x = 100, y = x + 1000) -> print(x + y)


The minus sign plays two roles, a unary negation operator and a binary subtraction operator. It is recommended to always use spaces between binary operators to avoid the possible collision.

a = x - 10 --  a = x - 10
b = x-10 -- b = x - 10
c = x -y -- c = x(-y)
d = x- z -- d = x - z

When there is no space between a variable and string literal, the function call takes priority over following expressions:

x = func"hello" + 100 -- func("hello") + 100
y = func "hello" + 100 -- func("hello" + 100)

Arguments to a function can span across multiple lines as long as the arguments are indented. The indentation can be nested as well.

my_func 5, -- called as my_func(5, 8, another_func(6, 7, 9, 1, 2), 5, 4)
8, another_func 6, 7, -- called as
9, 1, 2, -- another_func(6, 7, 9, 1, 2)
5, 4

If a function is used at the start of a block, the indentation can be different than the level of indentation used in a block:

if func 1, 2, 3, -- called as func(1, 2, 3, "hello", "world")
print "hello"

3. Tables

Tables are defined by curly braces, like Lua:

some_values = [1, 2, 3, 4] -- better uses `[]` instead of `{}` for array-like tables

Tables can use newlines instead of commas.

some_other_values = [
5, 6
7, 8

Assignment is done with : instead of =:

profile = {
name: "Bill"
age: 200
"favorite food": "rice"

Curly braces can be left off for key: value tables.

y = type: "dog", legs: 4, tails: 1

profile =
height: "4 feet",
shoe_size: 13,
favorite_foods: -- nested table
foo: "ice cream",
bar: "donuts"

my_function dance: "Tango", partner: "none" -- :( forever alone

Tables constructed from variables can use the same name as the variables by using : as a prefix operator.

hair = "golden"
height = 200
person = {:hair, :height}

Like in Lua, keys can be non-string or non-numeric values by using [].

t =
[1 + 2]: "hello"
"hello world": true -- Can use string literals without `[]`.

3.1. Table Comprehensions

List Comprehensions

Creates a copy of a list but with all items doubled. Using a star before a variable name or table can be used to iterate through the table's values.

items = [1, 2, 3, 4]
doubled = [item * 2 for item in *items]

Uses when to determine if a value should be included.

slice = [item for item in *items[1, 2]]

for clauses inside of list comprehensions can be chained.

x_coords = [4, 5, 6, 7]
y_coords = [9, 2, 3]

points = [ [x, y] for x in *x_coords for y in *y_coords]

Numeric for loops can also be used in comprehensions:

evens = [i for i = 1, 100 when i % 2 == 0]

Table Comprehensions are very similar but use { and } and take two values for each iteration.

thing = color: "red", name: "thing", width: 123
thing_copy = {k, v for k, v in pairs thing}

Tables can be "flattened" from key-value pairs in an array by using unpack to return both values, using the first as the key and the second as the value.

tuples = [ ["hello", "world"], ["foo", "bar"]]
table = {unpack tuple for tuple in *tuples}

Slicing can be done to iterate over only a certain section of an array. It uses the * notation for iterating but appends [start, end, step].

The next example also shows that this syntax can be used in a for loop as well as any comprehensions.

for item in *points[1, 10, 2]
print unpack item

Any undesired values can be left off. The second comma is not required if the step is not included.

words = ["these", "are", "some", "words"]
for word in *words[,3]
print word

4. Control Structures

have_coins = false
if have_coins
print "Got coins"
print "No coins"

Use then for single-line if

result = if have_coins then "Got coins" else "No coins"

unless is the opposite of if

unless"%A") == "Monday"
print "It is not Monday!"

if and unless can be used as expressions

is_tall = (name) -> if name == "Rob" then true else false
message = "I am #{if is_tall "Rob" then "very tall" else "not so tall"}"
print message -- "I am very tall"

if, elseif, and unless can evaluate assignment as well as expressions.

if x := possibly_nil! -- sets `x` to `possibly_nil()` and evaluates `x`
print x

Conditionals can be used after a statement as well as before. This is called a "line decorator".

is_monday ="%A") == "Monday"
print("It IS Monday!") if isMonday
print("It is not Monday..") unless isMonday
-- print("It IS Monday!" if isMonday) -- Not a statement, does not work

4.1 Loops

for i = 1, 10
print i

for i = 10, 1, -1 do print i -- Use `do` for single-line loops.

i = 0
while i < 10
continue if i % 2 == 0 -- Continue statement; skip the rest of the loop.
print i

Loops can be used as a line decorator, just like conditionals

print "item: #{item}" for item in *items

Using loops as an expression generates an array table. The last statement in the block is coerced into an expression and added to the table.

my_numbers = for i = 1, 6 do i -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

-- use `continue` to filter out values
odds = for i in *my_numbers
continue if i % 2 == 0 -- acts opposite to `when` in comprehensions!
i -- Only added to return table if odd

A for loop returns nil when it is the last statement of a function. Use an explicit return to generate a table.

print_squared = (t) -> for x in *t do print x * x -- returns `nil`
squared = (t) -> return for x in *t do x * x -- returns new table of squares

The following does the same as (t) -> [i for i in *t when i % 2 == 0]. But list comprehension generates better code and is more readable!

filter_odds = (t) ->
return for x in *t
if x % 2 == 0 then x else continue
evens = filter_odds(my_numbers) -- [2, 4, 6]

4.2 Switch Statements

Switch statements are a shorthand way of writing multiple if statements checking against the same value. The value is only evaluated once.

name = "Dan"

switch name
when "Dave"
print "You are Dave."
when "Dan"
print "You are not Dave, but Dan."
print "You are neither Dave nor Dan."

Switches can also be used as expressions, as well as compare multiple values. The values can be on the same line as the when clause if they are only one expression.

b = 4
next_even = switch b
when 1 then 2
when 2, 3 then 4
when 4, 5 then 6
else error "I can't count that high! D:"

5. Object Oriented Programming

Classes are created using the class keyword followed by an identifier, typically written using CamelCase. Values specific to a class can use @ as the identifier instead of self.value.

class Inventory
new: => @items = {}
add_item: (name) => -- note the use of fat arrow for classes!
@items[name] = 0 unless @items[name]
@items[name] += 1

The new function inside of a class is special because it is called when an instance of the class is created.

Creating an instance of the class is as simple as calling the class as a function. Calling functions inside of the class uses \ to separate the instance from the function it is calling.

inv = Inventory!
inv\add_item "t-shirt"
inv\add_item "pants"

Values defined in the class - not the new() function - will be shared across all instances of the class.

class Person
clothes: []
give_item: (name) =>
table.insert @clothes, name

a = Person!
b = Person!

a\give_item "pants"
b\give_item "shirt"

-- prints out both "pants" and "shirt"
print item for item in *a.clothes

Class instances have a value .__class that are equal to the class object that created the instance.

assert b.__class == Person

Variables declared in class body the using the = operator are locals, so these "private" variables are only accessible within the current scope.

class SomeClass
x = 0
reveal: ->
x += 1
print x

a = SomeClass!
b = SomeClass!
print a.x -- nil
a.reveal! -- 1
b.reveal! -- 2

5.1 Inheritance

The extends keyword can be used to inherit properties and methods from another class.

class Backpack extends Inventory
size: 10
add_item: (name) =>
error "backpack is full" if #@items > @size
super name -- calls Inventory.add_item with `name`.

Because a new method was not added, the new method from Inventory will be used instead. If we did want to use a constructor while still using the constructor from Inventory, we could use the magical super function during new().

When a class extends another, it calls the method __inherited on the parent class (if it exists). It is always called with the parent and the child object.

class ParentClass
@__inherited: (child) =>
print "#{@__name} was inherited by #{child.__name}"
a_method: (a, b) => print a .. ' ' .. b

Will print 'ParentClass was inherited by MyClass'

class MyClass extends ParentClass
a_method: =>
super "hello world", "from MyClass!"
assert super == ParentClass

6. Scope

All values are local by default. The global keyword can be used to declare the variable as a global value.

global var_1, var_2
var_1, var_3 = "hello", "world" -- var_3 is local, var_1 is not.

global this_is_global_assignment = "Hi!"

Classes can also be prefixed with global to make them global classes. Alternatively, all CamelCase variables can be exported automatically using global ^, and all values can be globals using global *.

do lets you manually create a scope, for when you need local variables.

x = 5
print x -- nil

Here we use do as an expression to create a closure.

counter = do
i = 0
i += 1
return i

print counter! -- 1
print counter! -- 2

The local keyword can be used to define variables before they are assigned.

local var_4
if something
var_4 = 1
print var_4 -- works because `var_4` was set in this scope, not the `if` scope.

The local keyword can also be used to shadow an existing variable.

x = 10
if false
local x
x = 12
print x -- 10

Use local * to forward-declare all variables. Alternatively, use local ^ to forward-declare all CamelCase values.

local *

first = ->

second = ->
print data

data = {}

6.1 Import

Import functions and variables from another module.

import "mod" -- Is short for `const mod = require "mod"`.
import "mod" as :func, :var -- Is short for `const {:func, :var} = require "mod"`.

6.2 With

The with statement can be used to quickly call and assign values in an instance of a class or object.

file = with File "lmsi15m.yue" -- `file` is the value of `set_encoding()`.
\set_encoding "utf8"

create_person = (name, relatives) ->
with Person!
.name = name
\add_relative relative for relative in *relatives
me = create_person "Ryan", ["sister", "sister", "brother", "dad", "mother"]

with str = "Hello" -- assignment as expression! :D
print "original: #{str}"
print "upper: #{\upper!}"

6.3 Destructuring

Destructuring can take arrays, tables, and nested tables and convert them into local variables.

obj2 =
numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4]
color: "green"
height: 13.5

{numbers: [first, second], properties: {:color}} = obj2

print first, second, color -- 1 2 green

first and second return [1] and [2] because they are as an array, but :color is like color: color so it sets itself to the color value.

Destructuring can be used in place of import.

{:max, :min, random: rand} = math -- rename math.random to rand

Destructuring can be done anywhere assignment can be done.

for [left, right] in *[ ["hello", "world"], ["egg", "head"]]
print left, right
Further Reading

For complete YueScript documentation, visit the official YueScript website.